I found my calling at age twenty...

I was recently put in a position where I had to choose which of my two greatest passions I wanted to invest in, and which one to put on hold. I had to really think about it for a while because I don't love one more than the other, and asked myself “what inspires me?”. Three words and such a simple question, right? A rush of anxiety and true heartbreak hit me hard at the thought of giving one up.

The truth is, I had never asked myself this before. I mean, superficially maybe, but I never had to really ask myself what inspired me most. And in that moment I realized the difference between my passion and my dreams. What fuels me to show up; what makes me want to keep investing in both of my passions? Where do I want to be in ten years?


Kids. With my kids. With your kids. 


Let me tell you a story. My mom was an elementary teacher, and she always said she thought I'd be a wonderful teacher, too. My little sister and I used to play school and guess what- I was the teacher, and she was my student. Every. Time. But if any of you knew me as a teenager, you'd know I was about to do the exact opposite of what I was told. I wasn't defiant, I just hated being told what to do, or what I couldn't do. I “took a year off” after high school because everyone told me I had to go to college to be successful- never ended up going to college. I pursued a career with animals, tried a few different jobs.. and while I do love animals, it honestly made me resent having my own. “You should teach, Sierra. You love kids.” I heard this from almost everyone I knew. I was always babysitting and nannying and hanging out with my photo client's kids. And, as I'm sure you guessed, I was fighting a losing battle. By age twenty, I was an assistant in a classroom, and by twenty one, I was the lead teacher with a Preschool CDA Credential to lead a classroom of my own. And I haven't stopped since. By age twenty one, I was living a dream, working two jobs that I loved with my whole heart: photography and teaching. And of course, my mom likes to remind me, “I always knew you'd be a teacher.” Sometimes, moms do know best. 

I realized it’s not the paychecks, shiny reviews, or social media following that pulls me toward this path. The moment a child smiles, not a “say cheese” smile, a real smile —that's what drives me. In both of my careers. 

This clarity has gifted me with a new sense of self and a stronger drive to have a greater impact. I'm not giving up either career- I'm combining the two. I'm blogging! 

So here's to educating & advising on how to successfully include toddlers in memorable photo experiences, and sharing other mom-things, and anything photography-related. And I also haven't forgotten about my Empowerment brand- more to come about that. I'm excited to start this journey, learn all the ropes about blogging-with-a-purpose, and keeping in touch with my people (you), even when I take my hiatuses to focus on being a great stay-at-home-mama, a present mama! Sending all the love and thanks to you for making this possible, and for sticking with me through my new journey into motherhood and for giving me another reason to keep following my dreams! 

All the love,  
