Preserving your loved ones...

I offer End of Life sessions for pets using a pay-what-you-can system so all families have the opportunity to have cherishable, wall-worthy images of their furry loved ones before they pass.

These are not free pet sessions. Your pet either needs to be aging and showing it, or have a vet-diagnosed prognosis. I'll need you to describe our timeline, your pet's health & age, and I'll do my best to sneak them into my schedule before their passing.

I require two payments, one when you reserve, whatever you can afford the day we set up your session, and a second payment on session day. I've been paid $50/$100 for each payment, and I've been paid multiple hundred. Use your judgement considering what you can afford and what you feel photography is worth to you.

Please keep in mind that photographers put approx 33% into taxes, spend time and fuel driving to your session, and hours editing. I have daughters to support, and a business to run and pay for. As much as I'd love to, I cannot work for free.

Most families receive between 20 and 50 images from their session.

Please share, so local families are aware of this service & can reach out before it's too late for their furry friend. I have photographed dogs & cats, horses, cows, and am willing to photograph reptiles, amphibians, birds, and other critters. Just ask.

I serve the SE MN region, based in Winona County.

Meet Penny!

Penny is an aging lady who tagged along to her passing-sister's session. Both ladies were in their gray-face era & due for their EOL session. The girls both received snuggles, treats, belly scratches, kisses, and all the sweet talkins... Miss Penny's sweet sister Megpie passed away last week. We are keeping their family in our thoughts as they've now received their images and can choose their favorites for the walls in their home.

I lost my heart-kitty a few years back and would have loved to have this service available to me. I didn't realize how many images I didn't have of her until she was gone.

If you have a pet, furry or scaly, feathery or other, please reach out with your pet's prognosis, your budget, and we can get you on the schedule so you don't miss out on capturing these sweet memories. Portraits can be taken outdoors somewhere local or within your home for your pet's prime comfort<3