Today we are giving ourselves grace.

Boudoir is not always simply laying on a comfy bed and existing while your photographer takes a ton of photos from every angle.

I mean, sometimes it is. I will take a ton from multiple angles.

But boudoir is, for lack of better words, luxury yoga.

You will sweat. You will stretch while posing. You will be reminded to breathe. You will need water breaks and time to chill between some of the poses. And that's okay,

100% normal!

It's a freaking workout. Stretch before you come. Stretch when you get home. Drink lots of water, hydrate your skin & body.

Give yourself grace.

The women you see in my pictures have all signed model releases and have given me permission to share. But these ladies are not paid models. They're students, mamas, fiancées, and every day people, just like you and me! 99% of women who walk through my doors have never been in front of a camera, much less bare bootied, and have NO clue what to do with their body and face. That's what I'm here for! I will tell you exactly what to do and show you how to pose.

And 99% of them mention at least once during their shoot that they need a breather break or a drink of water or just simply state that they feel like they're working out.

You are! You are holding positions that we don't hold every day.

And I am ALWAYS ready to give you a water break, we can chill on the floor or bed (whatever we're using), we have time. We don't need to rush. And you are not alone in being out of shape or unprepared for your workout on your boudie day.

Trust me, I'm not in shape either, and I was out.of.breath during my session in January. It's normal.

And I'm here to normalize not knowing what to do, how to pose, and what to expect.

I will always do my best to prepare you for your session, and to support you through the entire process♡

Book here:
