How is he two!?

Funny story..

In the days leading up to Chelsey's session, we were discussing if we needed any props for it and I mentioned something about who was bringing Junior's smash cake. "birthday session" was all I had written in my calendar. Chelsey was surprised that there was cake even involved in this session... I was like "yeah, for his birthday" THINKING IT WAS HIS FIRST BIRTHDAY which is ridiculous because I photographed his cake smash a YEAR ago!!! We shared a good laugh, AND THENNNN, when we got there, not even 12 hours after this conversation, I'd brought a baby basket to "stick Junior into" and was again SLAPPED back into reality when a TWO year old climbed out of the car. How does mom-brain get me TWICE like that. IYKYK????

Mom-brain at it's finest!

over 160 images from this tripple combo session! And it only took us 90 minutes of chasing kids, games, laughing, dry humor, goofing around, and clothing changes to get it all done! <3

The kiddos were pretty-well checked out by the time we thought to take a photo of me with them, next time we'll do it at the beginning when they aren't patiently waiting for their pizza treat!!!