Sample Family Gallery ↡

This wonderful family booked a mini that included ten digitals. During their consult, they mentioned that their little boy was pretty shy and takes a while to warm up to new people. I assured them that it's pretty common for toddlers and young kids to be shy, especially when they don't do sessions regulalrly, and I gave them a pretty detailed list of tips to prepare in the week leading up to their session, some day-of tips, and then what to expect and do to help their session go as smoothly as possible. I knew fifteen minutes wasn't nearly enough time to get a shy kiddo to warm up to the experience so I made sure to schedule my next session an hour after this one. After many prompts, me literally hiding in bushes and telling them what to do over the phone, and about forty five minutes, he started having fun with the games and started interacting with me and the camera (you can see the shift at the end of the gallery). They had just under one hundred images to choose from and ended up purchasing their entire gallery. Years down the road, they'll be able to look at these pictures and reminisce over their child's personality when he was little.

This is also why it's so important to stick with one photographer while your child grows up. Now next time we take photos, he will know who I am, take less time to warm up, and eventually learn to LOVE photo experiences. I have many families who've come back year after year and I could say their kids are my little besties and we always have such a blast. Find a photographer you vibe well with and stick with them.

If your kiddo is shy, please give me a heads-up and we can plan accordingly. I'd rather hangout for an hour than have you feeling like you're rushing and have a child that didn't have enough time to enjoy themselves. Re-shoots are given at my descretion and you should never expect one; every once in a blue moon, a child is just not having a good day and needs to just go home for snuggles. No child is the same, no session is the same. I'm here to document your littles as they are so as they change and grow into little people, you have their ever-changing personalities documented to look back on.