A day of hugging...

I was so blessed to spend the last day of 2023 taking photos of a family that helped raise me. Nancy was my 2nd mama for many many years, and Trystyn was my best friend for most of our early childhood; we've literally been friends since Kindergarten. I love you guys!!! Thank you for letting me be part of your year!

We spent a whopping 20 minutes taking photos (because we were frozen) and they got over fifty in-color photos and the black+whites to match! Anyone who hires me can trust that I know when we've captured an adequate amount, no matter if we took ten minutes of photos or an hour; I've perfected my flow over the years and can direct a group of people pretty quickly when it's bitterly cold or hot hot, and still give the same quality instruction & eye for things needing fixing. It does make me appreciate the early summer, mid-fall temperatures when I can slow-down and flow at the family's pace.

After our session, I picked up some flowers and met another dear friend for some lunch, spent a good two hours unloading some good ol' girl-chat over quesadillas & drinks, and then I headed home. I was greeted with hugs, smiles, and a cheerful "mama" by my toddler.. put in four hours of editing while watching Disney movies with my little family & delivered today's gallery by 7pm.

You can view their collection below: